
Implant Placements

When it comes to choosing a breast implant before a breast augmentation procedure, there is more to choose from than simply the size and type. Proper positioning of the implant could prove to be yet another important factor that has a significant impact on the look and feel of your new boobs. Before having a consultation with a plastic surgeon, it is important that you take into consideration the risks and benefits of the various options so that you and your surgeon can come to an informal and collective decision. Plastic surgeons today primarily make use of four different types of breast placements. Here is an overview of the available options. Sub-glandular pocket placement is regarded as the most aesthetically pleasing procedure and has a high popularity among candidates. The pocket is created underneath the breast tissue and just above the pectoral muscle. Since the device is positioned closer to the surface, it mimics the natural slope of a bust. Though this location resembles the natural deal more closely than other available options, the risk of visible rippling below the surface of the skin and capsular contracture is higher. Women with very thin skin or those who have been victims of other incidences of capsular contracture in the past should consult a skilled surgeon before taking up this option for consideration.

Sub-pectoral or split muscle augmentation is considered to be the most common technique in positioning among all. The pocket is created beneath the pectoral muscle. Upon placing the device, the upper part is situated beneath the muscle while the lower end sits in a sub-glandular position. This dual plane effect allows greater device coverage and discourages any potential visible wrinkling or rippling of the implant. It allows for the creation of a more natural appearance. The sub-facial placement is not much different from the sub-glandular expect for the fact that it has a deeper pocket and lies just below the thick fascia tissue covering the pectoral muscle. According to some, this position discourages any movement of the implants and visible wrinkling. Sub-muscular pockets are created completely below the pectoral muscle and do not involve a dual plane. This technique is used largely where other options are not viable. A woman who has her breast implant placed in this way may be in possession of insufficient breast tissue for covering the implant device, may be desiring a very large size with very little tissue or thin skin, or may be in the process of undergoing a reconstructive breast surgery. Some women claim the devices to have a firmer feel with less natural movement in this type of positioning.

Your plastic surgeon is the right person to help you make the correct choice with the placement of chest implants, aligned with your individual situation and aesthetic goals. A revision surgery could be carried out later on to rectify the placement of devices. This could prove more painful and involves a longer recovery period than the primary procedure but if you are highly dissatisfied with the initial outcome, this is a viable option for you to take up.

The manner of placement of the implants also affects the shape, type, and texture of the device to be used as well as the correct method of incision. Ensure that you discuss how the choice of placement will affect all other options available around you. When you choose a plastic surgeon at Perfect Breast Clinic, you will be guided through the process so that you can achieve your highly desired looks.

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